Mr. Microchip Software Center, Inc.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Through the power of the Windows Operating System and our proprietary software, we are able to merge the phone system together with a database of information.

Members are able to call in and get certain information on demand, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Any information stored as a number, Yes/No, or date can be translated by voice and announced over the phone. Each system can be custom tailored to the individual needs of each Customer.

A good example for the use of this system could be a Dues Fund that has members calling in to see if they are paid up to-date. The system asks them to type in their social security number and birth date as a password, and it will determine their last payment and announce the amount of the payment and the date paid for. This system saves the time of office personnel answering these questions and thereby saving labor cost. In addition, this system can be accessed, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which is more convenient to their membership.

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